What Happens in Vegas Doesnt ALWAYS Stay in Vegas !
Ok so i went to Vegas SIN CITY!, about 2 months ago. And this is how it alllllll happened. My mother was out of town so i was havin kickback after kickback at my house. And we decided to go to
Hollywood blvd all me and my girls, super drunk laughin and kidding around. Its this married couple that we caught eyes and this woman walks up to me and 1 of my homegirls like "are you guys interested in going to Vegas?" so me im like "YEAAAA LETS GO!" jumpin out of my seat. So she goes "No (laughing) not right now!" so im like "Put my number in your phone & well go." So the next day comes by the woman texts me like whats up with all of us going to Vegas and im like who the fuck is this you feel me cause i was drunk on the train and dont really recall me givin her my number ;) so i start remebering and she procedes to ask me am i gay or bi and im like nooo im strickly dickly straight as chinese hair type shit. And shes disappointed and wants to know is my friend into it. I go yea shes a lesbian bi whatever so i give her ma homegurls number. Days go by and my homegurl calls me like "Hey lets hang out with 'The Married Couple' and see how they are before we go off to Vegas with them!" So im like "LETS GO!" They pick me up we go out i get sloppy drunk this time and they took care of me and turned out to be really cool people. THE DAY OF VEGAS:So im packed for vegas. And f.y.i this married couple is into open relationships so the wife was ma homegurls date to Vegas and her Husband had a date already in the car. Now mind you none of us knew what this girl looked like until the day we were going to Vegas because the husband meet her off a 1800 lick my dick type of chatline ! So this bitch is just hideous fucked up ass weave, had more gums then teeth, fat, she looked like she was at least 3, 4months prego. But i dig
ress. We drive 8 hours to Vegas. Get there at about 12 at night. Check into the hotel rooms cause the couple had got 2 hotel rooms. So we get ready and we go toooooo THE STRIPPPP !!!!! So its like 2am and its crackin on the strip bitches evrywhere, people handing out nude cards just crowded. So my plan was to grab a dude fine as fuck and bring em bck to the hotel room and have a 1 night stand. But thiers nuthin but bitchesssss
s! And dirty ass niggas. Im jus not feeling it after awhile. So we go back to the hotel room at like 5am and start drinking again smokin weed. So the wife is like i bought u guys lingerie and the husbands like yea. Telling my homegurl and the husband date that they bought them lingerie. So they come out in the lingerie now mind you both of these hoes is fat ma homegurl and the husbands date ! FAT! Now here is where its gets really GOOD ! So im drunk and high a.f and they proceed to have a 3some, but aint this some shit how they leave the husbands date out because shes really ugly and she looked prego so they didnt wanna risk this bitch sayiin ol dude was tha daddy ! ;) But i sit there and watch my homegurl and the married couple fuck on my homegurl. Drunk off my ass high as shit. You would think this shit would get me horny BUT imagine a whole bunch of fat greasy ass mothafuckas fuckin and suckin on each other and your drunk it just starts gettin overly gross and started to make me feel sick so i go in my hotel room and crash out tooo sleep. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! i get up open my door its ma homegurl knockin on my door, so im like wussup how was it shes not given me noooo type of eye contact. So i sit next to her like "Bitch wussup wat happen how was it!" So she looks at me in confidence and says "Girlllllll he ate my pussy soooo goood both of em put it on me it was sooooo bomb" I smiled and continued to watch t.v.AS THE TRIP GOES ON:We went swimming and people are still treatin the husband date like shit. So im sitting in the jacuzzi with her and im like "Are you ok" and she goes "yea" :(. So i go "I think its kinda fucked up they bring you all the way out here and treat you like shit" lol now mind you i aint got no dick im bored i aint got shit to do so i start strirrin up a pot full of bullshit. And she says " I know im the type of bitch to set people up, and
put people on fire, and cut niggas and shit" so im like "yea girl i feel you." So we all head upstairs and me and the wife and my homegurl was in the bathroom and im telling them evrything she was sayin to me in the jacuzzi. So the wife goes off on her and start making her cry. Ahaha. And then i was like "And Chris(the husband) said yo teeth is fucked up and you look pregnant & Jordyn was talking shit too" So evrybody lookin at me like wtfuck! So the husband was like "HollyJay tell her what you said" and im like "BITCH I SAID YOU WAS UGLY AHAHAHAHHAHHA" So this girl is sittin here bawling crying. Saying "im sorry" sayin she didnt say it. So im like "bitch you lying you did say why would i make up sum shit you said nigga" This dispute made them ease up on the girl but still worship the ground i walk on. These people looked at me like a Goddess like i cant believe shes here with us looking like she does. (cocky moment). But seriously out of the whole trip people kept asking me "Are you with them?" and id be like "yea" and theyd be like "why" like its a free trip dammit lmao!LAST NIGHT IN VEGAS:ok, so im lowkey beefing with evrybody in the hotel cause i can only be around sumone for so long! So my homegurl comes to comfort me outside of the hotel. So it was a two white gurl (friends) were fightin each other outside the hotel cause she had hit her man. It was jus DRAMA but i digress ! I was telling my homegurl about 'The Married Couple' because they started to become very Ratchet acting thinking sumone stole thier EBT AkA LINK card and lowkey tried to blame it on me but aint point the finger so im telling ma homegurl like "bitch aint nobody worried about yo fuckin EBT card cause 1st & foremost my family never had to use foodstamps nuns of that shit to get by shit" and my homegurls laughin like "oh she found it now and she wants to know if your mad at her" so im like "i aint worried about that bitch!" So like an hour later my homegurls was crying feeling guilty about evrything that happened in Vegas. "I feel like i just fucked all of South Central, i jus feel soooo dirty HollyJay ughh" says my homegurl. So im comforting her. Letting her know im here for her. And that its gonna be okk. Shit was i DUMB !BACK IN HOLLYWOOD, CA:My homegurl started acting really weird with me. Like not tryna hang out with me and being sneaky, about what, i didnt know at the time. Come to find out what happens in Vegas doesnt always stay in Vegas. Jordyn is now involved in a
3some relationship with a married couple who has 7 kids. She has this lady name tatted on her arm. And is going through some hygiene problems lets just put it that way. AHAHA BE CAREFUL IN VEGAS GUYS!PEACE, LOVE, GUIDANCE.ALOVESUBLIME !
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